Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More environmental tips

In an effort to save the planet, yesterday I posted a blog about how wonderful it is to open your windows, let some fresh air in, cool your home at night, and save on energy consumption all day. While closing my windows this morning I realized that I forgot an important bit of information regarding keeping a house cool in summer for less (less as in energy use and less as in money). Close curtains, blinds or shades (or all of the above) on the sunny sides of your house after closing the windows. This helps a great deal in keeping your house cooler.

It all sounds so elementary but most people who have grown up in houses that are climate controlled through AC or Central heating 24/7 x 365 do not know these things. It is sort of like milking a cow. My father once expressed concern about our society in the US in this manner. He thought that if there was some sort of major catastrophe that most people in the US would not survive because they had been so removed from basic life skills such as milking a cow.

I did milk a goat once on a field trip to a farm. And after having breast fed two babies, I feel as though I have a clue what to do with cow udders to make them squirt milk but do I really know the "trick" to it? NO. Nor do I have direct access to a cow even if there was a disaster and I needed one. But I do know about saving money by opening my windows in the cool of evening on warm days thanks to my practical Dad who grew up in the early part of the last century when there was no AC in 98% of homes and most public places.

So my cold is better. I took some time to take care of myself today (something I have not been doing enough of since my husband left for a job in Europe over two months ago). I went to a meeting, to the chiropractor and used the remainder of a gift certificate from my mother-in-law for a 45 minute full body massage. (Yes, my mother-in-law is not all bad.) I am still stuffy though but have high hopes for being much better tomorrow. My editor (I write for a weekly publication in town) liked my latest theater review which is great because like most writers I am extremely insecure about everything I write and he has not been forthcoming with the praise in the last couple of months. E, my eight year old daughter is in a great mood and is playing by herself in the back yard after consuming a healthful dinner of home made guacamole, corn chips, red bell peppers, olives, grape tomatoes and farmer's market lettuce.

I am tired though so I think I will sign off. Coming soon: Impressions of a HumV owner.


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